Sunday, November 18, 2007

Mini Culmination part 2

so on Friday we did another mini culmination and we had two labs before that to prepare. I thought my group did better and the communication was defiantly better, you could defiantly tell the difference. Clara and Alice were gone this time, but we knew in advance that they would be so we prepared for that. This time Maddy and I ended up working on the launcher together. I think we did very good working together, we worked together last time to but i say we did even better this time. overall, i think everybody was positive and helped make things go better the second time.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Mini Culmination

Today i worked on the box that em's rover will be caring, then i helped Kathryn with the Alice's part which was shooting things across the room. I think my group needs to know how things work by Thursday or we will be in a big runt. we were missing 2 people today, but finally had Taryn who was working with Maddy, or not really working, but goofing off, today it was another not very commutative day and i think it has been a good lesson learning about the people who get work done and the people who like to goof off and distract me the most.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Mini Culmination

today i ended up trying to work on Emma sparrows project, so this was my 3rd switch, and we spent so much time trying to find her things that we only had ten minutes time to experiment and fix it. our over all group communication is that there really isn't any so i think our group will be a total wig it type thing and see if it works if we dont get some real communication happing by tmmorrow.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Mini Culmination

Today I continued to for the first part of class work on the mars rover, but since the whole class was working on and every time I was ready to use a rover they were all in use or downloading some program, it was frustrating. About half way through I switched with Em and started helping Louisa build the robot. And then things started going more smoothly.